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Tag: writing

Social Media

Why do I blog? That is a very good question. I recently wrote that in my post Why Blog? Blogging 201. As I wrote in that post primarily I enjoy writing. A pleasant side effect is that it brings in some extra money to supplement my retirement income. Let me make that clear – this blog does not earn me one cent. My paid writing is commissioned for someone else’s web site and for reasons of confidentiality I am unable to reveal which site or even what genre it covers. Suffice to say it combines my writing skills with my investigative skills gained in a ‘previous life’. If that intrigues you then read my bio. I also mentioned I blog to try and drive  internet traffic towards…


Scrivener Deal Only $19.50

Interested in a great Scrivener deal then go here to buy it for either Windows or Mac. For the next two days it is available for $19.50 instead of the usual $40! It’s the Award-Winning Writing App Used by New York Times Best-Selling Authors. I grabbed it and I am still at the Tutorial stage with it and it looks great! I believe it will be particularly useful with my more wordy projects such as my partly completed book on undercover police work; my non-fiction book on my paternal grandfather who served in the British Royal Navy through WW1 and WW2; and my planned series of fictional police procedural novels. I cannot wait to put it to good use! Here is what Scrivener is all about…

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Why Blog? Blogging 201

Blogging 201 – Day 1 – Task: Set 3 Goals Why do I blog? That is a very good question. It wasn’t  until I found Blogging 201 in WordPress somewhere that I even began to formulate my thoughts on the answer – never mind the question!  Well here goes – In my retirement I needed something to do. I didn’t just want to sit on the beautiful Philippines beaches  all day and every day and vegetate! Or drink too much cold beer! I have lead a varied, and dare I say, interesting life. You must have experienced people saying to you, ” write it down, it’ll make a good book”. Well I did hear it and I heard it many times. So the first step…

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“Do you beat your wife?”

Just like many actors I am ‘resting between gigs’! I am not an actor. I write. In my case that really means I keep on looking for paid writing work! There are places on the internet where you can get hired as a freelancer. That’s good. But what I find frustrating is some of the inane questions that hirers ask you to answer when submitting an application. This is a classic example and how I replied….. Are you reliable and trustworthy? Can you be available to write daily and deliver projects on time? I would be delighted to deliver articles to you on a daily basis. I am now retired to the Philippines and have the time to devote to my writing and your project……………


WordPress: All I wanna do is write ……

All I wanna do is write ….. to paraphrase the words of a Sheryl Crow song. WordPress (WP) is the platform I use, along with millions of others, to post my blogs here on this site. I require it to work when I need it to so I can concentrate on my writing. Not too much to ask is it? I have a new friend here in Bacolod. We met for the first time only yesterday and ‘clicked’. He is a fellow ‘Northerner’ and ‘computer savvy’. Most of today and part of yesterday was an experience in frustration at not being able to post on my WordPress blog.. When I clicked  ‘+New’  ‘Post’, I was taken to a page that was junk. It was not…

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